How To Train Your Security Robot

March 9, 2020

When you partner with Knightscope for an Autonomous Security Robot (ASR) deployment, you also gain a deployment specialist, a 24/7/365 robot health and monitoring team we call the Knightscope Network Operations Center (KNOC), and a Client Experience (CX) team.

Each one of these play a significant role in ensuring the success of the deployment, and the CX team is your primary point of contact for all operational matters.  They can configure patrol schedules, set up alert thresholds, build alert protocols, customize triggers for the broadcast messages – by people detection, location, time or random – and even help create Persons of Interest (POI) profiles or Be On The Lookout (BOLO).  But most importantly we also empower clients to do all of this through your very own Knightscope Security Operations Center (KSOC) web-based user-interface account!

Configuring Your Patrol Schedule

When your Knightscope deployment specialist arrives at your site, they will begin mapping areas where you foresee the ASR patrolling or providing a static presence to be the greatest benefit to your particular application. They will create a 3-dimensional world of the permanent features of each potential patrol area by mapping readings from the robot’s light detection and ranging (LiDAR) devices. This is a critical phase in the implementation process where you can designate patrol zones or single point patrols (static observation points). You can then control each ASR’s patrol schedule by time of day and day of the week. You can even elect to have each day have a completely different patrol schedule, making it nearly impossible for someone to predict where the robot will patrol next.

The patrol zones are labeled and color coded so you can set the schedule down to thirty (30) minute increments. You can also alter the schedule at any time or on any day from the KSOC. If you have a special event or an incident that you’d like to dedicate the robot’s various detections to, you can send the robot to a specific patrol zone or single point patrol and when it reaches the most ideal location you can “stop patrol” and freeze the robot’s patrolling to gather more real-time, actionable intelligence.

Setting Up Your Alert Thresholds

For a fully loaded ASR, you can have your People Detections set to provide you with alerts via email, text, voice or KSOC alert notifications by time of day and/or by location and with 360-degree video clips, images and map locations. Thus, if there are areas of your deployment site where there should be no people during certain hours or in certain locations, your ASR can be setup to alert you and your team in various ways.

For Thermal Hazards, you can designate which temperatures and/or times of day for temperature anomalies that should be considered alerts. This also applies to blacklisted devices and license plate detections. If your ASR detects a person of interest (POI) or mobile device MAC address, you can receive text, email, phone call or KSOC alert notifications.

Lastly, you can select parking meter thresholds for how long vehicles are allowed to be parked in certain areas. If you have parking structures or lots that prohibit 24-hour parking, your ASR can alert you with license plate numbers, map locations, images and 360-degree HD daylight / lowlight video clips.

Building Your Alert Escalation Protocol

While your ASR is on patrol deterring crime and unwanted behavior by providing a powerful physical presence, it is communicating real-time alerts based on anything that falls outside of your alert thresholds. It is critical that these alerts go to the right email, text message recipient or telephone number so that the right team members can respond accordingly – or simply an alert on the KSOC itself. Whether it’s a person detected in a secured area, a thermal anomaly, a parking meter violation or a POI detected, the right team member will be alerted with the right information at the right time.

Designating Your Automatic Broadcast Messages Upon People Detection or Location

Your ASR has the capability of providing real-time automatic, pre-recorded and pre-defined broadcast messages using a male or female voice based on time of day and / or based on the location the individual or individuals were detected. These messages can range from “I’m a security robot, nice to see you here,” to “the authorities have been notified of your presence,” or to anything you’d like the robot to broadcast based on the detection.  Sometimes even in different languages.

Implementing Parking Enforcement Thresholds

Whether it’s a non-24-hour parking garage or an electric vehicle charge station with a 4-hour limit, your ASR can not only track how long each vehicle has been parked in each parking space, but it can alert you or your team members to any vehicles that are in violation of various parking restrictions. Your team gains an entirely new layer of parking enforcement and investigative capability.

Creating Persons of Interest (POI) Profiles

The number one cause of workplace violence is domestic violence spilling over into the workplace, and the cornerstone to a solid Workplace Violence Prevention (WVP) plan is early detection.  You may at any time add new threats to your deployment for the ASR to “Be on Lookout” for, including domestic abusers, disgruntled former employees, a problematic individual or a suspicious person.

Your ASR can detect and deliver alerts for anyone that you’ve added to your KSOC account list using license plates or MAC addresses from mobile devices that you or your team have blacklisted. Your ASR, via the KSOC, will alert you with headshots of the POI’s (if you loaded them) as well as the reason(s) why that person was blacklisted to better assess the level of threat.

Now that you’ve learned How to Train Your Security Robot, let’s set up a meeting so we can begin addressing any issues you may be facing today. Looking forward to chatting with you about all things ASR soon!

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