Use Cases
Be Logical with Logistics Security
Maintaining a secure supply chain can be a challenge. Within a supply chain, numerous people, companies, third-party suppliers, and nations are likely involved, which can lead to serious security issues in logistics including theft, fraud, terrorism, sabotage, and more.
STEP 1 Secure the Exterior, Including Loading Docks and Parking Lots
Dedicate a K5 ASR to patrolling the exterior, including Loading Docks and employee and visitor parking lots. The K5 strobe light, patrol sound and broadcast messages should all remain active to assist with parking policy enforcement, shrink reduction and deterring trespassing.
STEP 2 Monitor Entrances
Stationary K1 ASRs at gate entrances or other ingress/egress locations can provide real time Alerts for BOLO (Be-on-the-Lookout) individuals, whether for threats from organized crime, Workplace Violence or assisting with trespass enforcement. Some key K1 Detections and Alerts include Facial Recognition, Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR), Signal (smartphone) Detection and People Detection. Install clear signage that the area is being monitored can assist in crime deterrence.
STEP 3 Patrol the Interior
A roaming indoor K5 or K3 can provide eye-level HD video of all activity inside open areas to assist with shrink reduction and adherence to safety protocol. ASRs can also broadcast announcements reminding employees, contractors, drivers of Safety or Security policies practices, or any other customized broadcast messages you prefer. A patrolling K5 or K3 can also Alert in real time for any persons detected in areas and or during times where there should be no people.
STEP 4 Manage the Workload
Utilize Knightscope as a stand-alone security service or augment your current security force. If choosing Knightscope, enhance the user experience by digging deeper in your machine’s capabilities through the KSOC, or better yet, upgrade to Knightscope+ and allow us to take some of the workload off and we can do the remote monitoring on your behalf and escalate issues according to the agreed upon post orders.