Did you know that if you Google “winning against crime” or “crime fighting wins” you really don’t see any stories about how anyone is succeeding in reducing crime?! Instead, you will find pages of political rhetoric and fighting over the best stance – being tough on crime or reducing the causes of it before it occurs. Sadly, too few are actually doing something about it and even fewer are reporting on it.
Knightscope will celebrate its 10th anniversary on 4 April 2023, and 100% of that time has been spent focused on the mission of reducing crime and making the United States the safest country on the planet. Since the deployment of our first Autonomous Security Robot on Star Wars Day (May The 4th Be With You!) 2015, Knightscope has racked up an impressive list of Crime Fighting Wins and, thankfully, Google has rewarded us with a top ranking return on the search for that item.
The United States, however, has become the most violent and victimized society in the industrialized world. Recent statistics about murder rates and other violent crimes overlook the increase in adolescent violence, which suggests a future increase in violent crime committed by a new, younger breed of super-predators. Now more than ever it is critical that we embrace technologies that will deter, detect and delay criminal activity long enough for security and law enforcement professionals to intervene, capture and prosecute the offenders. In the event that a crime still occurs and the suspect escapes, the evidentiary quality of the information surrounding the event must be strong enough to obtain a warrant that leads to arrest.
That is why it is so exciting that Knightscope’s K1, K3 and K5 security robots, the accompanying state-of-the-art user interface - the Knightscope Security Operations Center (KSOC), and its Knightscope+ monitoring service continue to make significant positive contributions to the safety of its client base – yes, that’s right… we’re still winning against crime!
Many of Knightscope’s clients have documented and shared some of their successes, directly attributing the favorable outcomes to its technologies. Unfortunately, there are countless more we cannot disclose due to confidentiality agreements, internal client policies, cases that have not yet been fully adjudicated, or for reasons outside of Knightscope’s control. That being said, here are several that put smiles on a lot of folks, and brought peace of mind to many more:
Assault – a client in community services created a video clip with crystal clear, high definition, eye-level footage of an assault that was turned over to a California law enforcement agency for prosecution on behalf of the victim
Grand Larceny of a Motor Vehicle - a casino client proved that a specific individual entered a vehicle with intent to steal it during the setup, or pre-deployment, phase of the agreement; in spite of not being fully operational, the client had outstanding eye-level surveillance video of the entire incident
Loitering – a K5 helped a retail client quickly identify a group of individuals gathering in their parking lot after hours; after being notified by the robot to vacate the property via broadcast messages, the security team was able to notify police who responded and got them to disperse in less than 10 minutes
Trespassing, Loitering and Assaults – within the first few months of implementation, the presence of the K5 robots with a healthcare client had a positive impact on criminal activity at one of its largest medical centers, decreasing trespassing, loitering, and assault violations
Vehicle Break-Ins – the director of corporate security, investigations and executive protection for a utility company advised that weekly, and sometimes daily, break-ins dropped to essentially zero since the deployment of their K5
In addition to the numerous successes above, clients are also reaping the benefits of blue light emergency communication systems Knightscope now offers as a result of its recent acquisition. Here are a couple more wins that have been relayed to us:
Medical Emergency – a state emergency services client reported that it received two separate medical calls that were critical in nature from a Knightscope K1 Call Box; medical aid was on location in approximately 10 minutes – prior to installation of these devices, people had to drive out of the canyon, which would add about 30 minutes to the response times. In these two cases, the client stated, “We believe lives were saved due to the K1 Call Box.”
In Distress – a person calling in from a phone box at the bottom of a public foot path lowered the chance of harming themselves and provided the client with valuable information that protected emergency workers from harm as they worked to help the caller
These are all exciting wins, but we can’t wait for the next call or email to arrive with the next success story. Knightscope continues to deliver on its mission to provide public safety professionals unprecedented new capabilities, allowing them to render aid safely while protecting the places people live, work, study and visit.
Go to www.knightscope.com/discover and request to setup a call or demo and see how Knightscope can help rewrite your story.