In spite of casinos being among some of the most sophisticated of surveilled areas, there are still many ways in which Knightscope can help keep your guests and their belongings safe while adding to the destination experience. Knightscope’s technologies have proven to be incredibly useful in casinos due to their high-tech appeal (everyone wants a robot selfie!), the extraordinary amount of cash being handled, the number of out-of-town guests visiting with valuables locked in their rooms and cars, and the frequent demonstration of impaired judgement and lowered inhibitions that comes from consuming alcohol.
Provide a commanding presence in all parking environments – lots and structures - using K5 Autonomous Security Robots (ASRs). Deter negative behavior such as vehicle thefts, vehicle break ins, catalytic converter thefts, prostitution, drug activity and more as each K5 patrols parking areas while streaming and recording high-definition video at eye-level for a full 360-degrees with strobe lights activated and patrol sounds playing. License plate recognition, broadcast messages, and time-based People Detection alerts provide additional insights and ways to communicate user-generated messages with those entering your property. Adding Knightscope’s K1 Blue Light Towers in remote areas, with full wireless functionality and no digging or trenching requirement, provides highly visible and familiar points to access reliable communications that provide needed comfort when cell phone service is scarce, or the phone’s battery has died.
Place a K1 at each ingress/egress point to capture and alert for people on your watch list such as Advantage Players (APs), known ‘cheats’ or any other banned or barred individuals. Capture and flag license plates and mobile device signals potentially belonging to those you have identified as persons of interest. Clear signage depicting the use of security robots to monitor the area effectively conveys an elevated security posture before, during and after implementation. Enhance guest engagement for special events and/or functions in spaces such as under the porte-cochere with hourly announcements of the time and appropriate welcome and departure greetings utilizing your branding played randomly or on a schedule.
Provide critical 360-degree, eye-level footage in HD for liability concerns such as slip and fall scenarios, physical altercations, as well as surveillance for possible mistreatment of employees and/or visitors during check in or check out. As one of the highest traffic areas in casinos, the dedicated physical presence of a K5 has proven to be an effective tool for deterring negative behaviors while immediately engaging arriving and departing guests.
A K3 or K5 roaming indoors streams and records eye-level, HD video of visitors, employees, and contractors. Capture video in ballrooms, a convention center, or indoor shopping areas and receive alerts when people are detected in prohibited areas during certain hours, and then automatically broadcast messages to help enforce your policies. An ASR can be leveraged to provide an effective presence to all visitors for both guest engagement as well as deterring negative behaviors and unwanted visitors.
A K3 or K5 to can be deployed to patrol sensitive “back of the house” (employee-only areas) such as telco rooms, high voltage areas, and server rooms. The robot can alert for suspicious persons in any of these areas, deter malicious behaviors and/or alert for thermal anomalies for possible early fire detection. ASRs help control areas of limited access at certain times of the day, executive areas and special event locations.
Audio announcements through K5 or K3 ASRs pertaining to promos and special functions occurring throughout the casino elevate the high-tech appeal of your location. Audio announcements regarding casino policies and/or safety bulletins will lead to a safer and more secure guest experience. Marketing & public safety teams can proactively engage with certain casino guests by notifications received via our MAC address alerts. The Intercom feature allows you to address specific visitors or special guests at the casino using your own voice by speaking through the ASRs.
Give your Security Operations Center (SOC) additional eyes, ears, wheels and voice via the Knightscope Security Operations Center (KSOC) user interface. SOC staff can intervene in security incidents by speaking through a machine or all machines simultaneously with Prerecorded or Custom Broadcast Messages. They will receive actionable intelligence from ASRs in real time and can stop the machines from patrolling, trigger audible alarms, or speak through the robots using their own voice. The robots are able to alert SOC operators when and where security incidents are occurring as they happen.
Finding the appropriate technologies to create a more secure environment is key in creating a safer and more robust casino experience. Take a few moments to visit with one of our experts and discover how we can help you elevate your security posture. Click here to learn more.