The Bat Belt – Equipping Security Officers with Technology

July 2, 2019

On any given day you will encounter a police officer. We see them in grocery stores, while we are pumping gas or charging up our vehicles, when we go to eat dinner or when they have someone stopped on the side of the road. Have you ever noticed their leather gear, or aptly named “Bat Belt”?

This leather or woven fabric belt weighs in excess of 15 lbs and provides the officer with the gear needed to take into every call and situation. Over the years the equipment belt has evolved from a leather belt with a holster and additional ammunition to what we see today. The “Bat Belt” of today still contains the side arm and additional ammunition but, now we see radios, flashlights, Tasers, cell phone holders and much more.

Now, look at the average security guard and what do you see? NO BAT BELT!

Security teams are not equipped with the evolving tools required to provide the level of service that we expect of them. The typical security officer will have a pen and notepad, flashlight, radio and (maybe) a cell phone. Typically, supposedly this is all they would need to effectively do their job.

Just as the police officer’s equipment has evolved with the needs and demands of the jobs, so should the equipment for the site security officer. Without having to add any additional equipment, Knightscope can utilize the existing cell phone or tablet that your security officer uses daily and bring to light what is going on within your site right there at their fingertips. Unprecedented situational awareness. Consistent and 24/7/365.

The Knightscope Security Operations Center (KSOC) transforms your Autonomous Data Machine (ADM or just #securityrobot) into the partner your security officers need – smart eyes and ears for them to be able to cover a lot more ground. While your security performs the more critical tasks of managing people and assets on your property, Knightscope ADMs are patrolling and sending back data in real time of events that need to be addressed. A unique combination of self-driving technology, robotics and artificial intelligence.

We are far past the days of a lowly security officer sitting at a static post just to have someone there. Knightscope robots now take over that duty and perform it at a level no one thought possible. The machines are great at doing the monotonous computationally heavy work that no human could ever do – while given the security guards timely information so that they can do their jobs much, much more effectively. Directly identifying anomalies, greeting your employees or guests, sending you an alert when someone is in the area at a time they should not be and assisting with BOLOs (Be On the Lookout) plus forensics/investigations and analytics.

If our public service personnel are constantly evolving with the tools to serve our communities better, it surely is time that our security teams evolve to serve your business, employees and guests better as well.

Embrace innovation and add advanced technology to your security program with Knightscope – and secure the future of security, law enforcement and public safety!

P.S. By the way looks like law enforcement is looking to Knightscope capabilities to their Bat Belts, too!

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