Knightscope Security Operations Center (KEMS)
Monitor the Health and Status of All K1B Emergency Phones

~10,000 Devices across North America | Maximize usability to better serve public safety and the community.
Stay connected remotely
Convenient Reports
Daily Automated Emails
Call Failures
Low Battery Alerts
Real-Time Mapping
Geo-locate Each Device
Color Coded Status
Clickable Queries
Supportive and Preventative Maintenance
Instantly Verify Availability and Performance
Identify Potential Issues
Battery and Cellular Service Levels
Know Where You Stand
Automated. Fast. Efficient.
Unlike emergency phones that require in-person testing at each device, KEMS puts that capability at your fingertips no matter where you are. Know more about your system with remote monitoring to ensure that your network is providing those in distress with easy access to help.